I haven't measured anything, so please disregard the numbers. This is the layout of the house. I built it upside down, so north is at the bottom. Whoops.
It is 1289 sq ft, built in 1989. It is about a mile from our last apartment, before we moved to the condo last year. It is on a corner lot in the middle of a little neighborhood, with a grass "square" in the middle. At the end of the street there is a walkway that connects to the elementary school and the nearby park, and also to a walking path that runs east-west from the dog park and swimming pool on Kyrene (south of the Kyrene apt- for those of you who saw the jogging path there, it is not the same one- I wish! this one is concrete sidewalk- can't run on it...) to the small airplane airpark on McClintock. We are smack in the middle- Kyrene is 1 mile west, and McClintock is 1 mile east. The seller wants a 60-day escrow, so we're scheduled to close June 15th.